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If you chose to enable SELinux, see SELinux and iptables.

Magento command-line interface (CLI)

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Commerce has one command-line interface that performs both installation and configuration tasks: <magento_root>/bin/magento. The new interface performs multiple tasks, including:

  • Installing Commerce (and related tasks such as creating or updating the database schema, creating the deployment configuration, and so on).
  • Clearing the cache.
  • Managing indexes, including reindexing.
  • Creating translation dictionaries and translation packages.
  • Generating non-existent classes such as factories and interceptors for plug-ins, generating the dependency injection configuration for the object manager.
  • Deploying static view files.
  • Creating CSS from Less.

Other benefits:

  • A single command (<magento_root>/bin/magento list) lists all available installation and configuration commands.
  • Consistent user interface based on Symfony.
  • The CLI is extensible so third party developers can “plug in” to it. This has the additional benefit of eliminating users’ learning curve.
  • Commands for disabled modules do not display.

This topic discusses installing the Magento software using the CLI. For information about configuring Magento, see the Configuration Guide.

Before you start your installation

Before you begin, complete the following steps:

  • Verify that your system meets the requirements discussed in Magento system requirements.

  • Complete all prerequisite tasks.

  • Complete the first installation steps. See Your install or upgrade path.

  • After you log in to the Magento server, switch to the file system owner.

  • Review the Get started with the command-line installation overview.

You must install Magento from its bin subdirectory.

You can run the installer multiple times with different options to complete installation tasks like the following:

  • Install in phases—For example, after you configure your web server for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), you can run the installer again to set SSL options.

  • Correct mistakes in previous installations.

  • Install Magento in a different database instance.

By default, the installer does not overwrite the Magento database if you install the Magento software in the same database instance. You can use the optional cleanup-database parameter to change this behavior.

See also Update, reinstall, uninstall.

Completely secure installation

To use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), also referred to as HTTPS, for both the Commerce Admin and the storefront, you must set all of the following parameters:

  • --use-secure: Set to 1
  • --base-url-secure: Set to a secure URL (that is, starting with https://)
  • --use-secure-admin Set to 1

More details about these parameters can be found later in this topic.

Installer help commands

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You can run the following commands to find values for some required arguments:

Installer argumentCommand
Languagemagento info:language:list
Currencymagento info:currency:list
Time zonephp magento info:timezone:list

If an error displays when you run these commands, verify that you updated installation dependencies as discussed in Update installation dependencies.

Install the Magento software from the command line

The install command uses the following format:

The following tables describe the installation option names and values. For example installation commands. see Sample localhost installations.

Any options that contain spaces or special characters must be enclosed in either single or double quotes.

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Admin credentials:

The following options specify the user information and credentials for the Magento admin user.

In Adobe Commerce version 2.2.8 and later, you can create the Magento admin user during or after installation. If you create the user during installation, all admin credential variables are required. See Sample localhost installations.

--admin-firstnameMagento administrator user’s first name.Yes
--admin-lastnameMagento administrator user’s last name.Yes
--admin-emailMagento administrator user’s e-mail address.Yes
--admin-userMagento administrator username.Yes
--admin-passwordMagento administrator user password. The password must be at least 7 characters in length and must include at least one alphabetic and at least one numeric character. We recommend a longer, more complex password. Enclose the entire password string in single quotes. For example, --admin-password='A0b9%t3g'Yes

Site and database configuration options:

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--base-urlBase URL to use to access your Admin and storefront in any of the following formats:
http[s]://<host or ip>/<your Magento install dir>/.
Note: The scheme (http:// or https://) and a trailing slash are both required.
<your Magento install dir> is the docroot-relative path in which to install the Magento software. Depending on how you set up your web server and virtual hosts, the path might be magento2 or it might be blank.
To access Magento on localhost, you can use either<your Magento install dir>/ or<your Magento install dir>/.
- `` which represents a base URL defined by a virtual host setting or by a virtualization environment like Docker. For example, if you set up a virtual host for Magento with the hostname, you can install the Magento software with --base-url= and access the Admin with a URL like
--backend-frontnameUniform Resource Identifier (URI) to access the Admin. You can omit this parameter to let Magento generate a random URI for you with the following pattern admin_jkhgdfq.
We recommend a random URI for security purposes. A random URI is harder for hackers or malicious software to exploit.
The URI displays at the end of the installation. You can display it later at any time using the magento info:adminuri command.
If you choose to enter a value, we recommend you not use a common word like admin, backend, and so on. The Admin URI can contain alphanumeric values and the underscore character (_) only.
--db-hostUse any of the following:
- The database server’s fully qualified hostname or IP address.
- localhost (default) or if your database server is on the same host as your web server.localhost means the MySQL client library uses UNIX sockets to connect to the database. causes the client library to use the TCP protocol. For more information about sockets, see the PHP PDO_MYSQL documentation.
Note: You can optionally specify the database server port in its hostname like
--db-nameName of the Magento database instance in which you want to install the Magento database tables.
Default is magento2.
--db-userUsername of the Magento database instance owner.
Default is root.
--db-passwordMagento database instance owner’s password.Yes
--db-prefixUse only if you’re installing the Magento database tables in a database instance that has Magento tables in it already.
In that case, use a prefix to identify the Magento tables for this installation. Some customers have more than one Magento instance running on a server with all tables in the same database.
The prefix can be a maximum of five characters in length. It must begin with a letter and can include only letters, numbers, and underscore characters.
This option enables those customers to share the database server with more than one Magento installation.
--db-ssl-keyPath to the client key.No
--db-ssl-certPath to the client certificate.No
--db-ssl-caPath to the server certificate.No
--languageLanguage code to use in the Admin and storefront. (If you have not done so already, you can view the list of language codes by entering magento info:language:list from the bin directory.)No
--currencyDefault currency to use in the storefront. (If you have not done so already, you can view the list of currencies by entering magento info:currency:list from the bin directory.)No
--timezoneDefault time zone to use in the Admin and storefront. (If you have not done so already, you can view the list of time zones by entering magento info:timezone:list from the bin directory.)No
--use-rewrites1 means you use web server rewrites for generated links in the storefront and Admin.
0 disables the use of web server rewrites. This is the default.
--use-secure1 enables the use of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) in storefront URLs. Make sure your web server supports SSL before you select this option.
0 disables the use of SSL with Magento. In this case, all other secure URL options are assumed to also be 0. This is the default.
--base-url-secureSecure base URL to use to access your Admin and storefront in the following format: http[s]://<host or ip>/<your Magento install dir>/No
--use-secure-admin1 means you use SSL to access the Admin. Make sure your web server supports SSL before you select this option.
0 means you do not use SSL with the Admin. This is the default.
--admin-use-security-key1 causes the Magento software to use a randomly generated key value to access pages in the Admin and in forms. These key values help prevent cross-site script forgery attacks. This is the default.
0 disables the use of the key.
--session-saveUse any of the following:
- db to store session data in the database. Choose database storage if you have a clustered database; otherwise, there might not be much benefit over file-based storage.
- files to store session data in the file system. File-based session storage is appropriate unless the Magento file system access is slow, you have a clustered database, or you want to store session data in Redis.
- redis to store session data in Redis. If you will be using Redis for default or page caching, Redis must be already installed. See Use Redis for session storage for additional information about configuring support for Redis.
--keyIf you have one, specify a key to encrypt sensitive data in the Magento database. If you don’t have one, Magento generates one for you.Yes
--cleanup-databaseTo drop database tables before installing the Magento software, specify this parameter without a value. Otherwise, the Magento database is left intact.No
--db-init-statementsAdvanced MySQL configuration parameter. Uses database initialization statements to run when connecting to the MySQL database. Consult a reference similar to this one before you set any values.
Default is SET NAMES utf8;.
--sales-order-increment-prefixSpecify a string value to use as a prefix for sales orders. Typically, this is used to guarantee unique order numbers for payment processors.No

Elasticsearch configuration options:

--search-engineThe version of Elasticsearch to use as the search engine. Possible values are elasticsearch7, elasticsearch6, and elasticsearch5. The default is elasticsearch7. Elasticsearch 5 has been deprecated and is not recommended.No
--elasticsearch-hostThe host name or IP address where Elasticsearch is running. The default is localhost.No
--elasticsearch-portThe port for incoming HTTP requests. The default is 9200.No
--elasticsearch-index-prefixA prefix that identifies the Elasticsearch index. The default is magento2.No
--elasticsearch-timeoutThe number of seconds before the system times out. The default is 15.No
--elasticsearch-enable-authEnables authentication on the Elasticsearch server. The default is false.No
--elasticsearch-usernameThe user ID to authenticate ElasticsearchNo, unless authentication is enabled
--elasticsearch-passwordThe password to authenticate ElasticsearchNo, unless authentication is enabled

RabbitMQ configuration options:

--amqp-hostDo not use the --amqp options unless you have already set up an installation of RabbitMQ. See RabbitMQ installation for more information about installing and configuring RabbitMQ.
The hostname where RabbitMQ is installed.
--amqp-portThe port to use to connect to RabbitMQ. The default is 5672.No
--amqp-userThe username for connecting to RabbitMQ. Do not use the default user guest.No
--amqp-passwordThe password for connecting to RabbitMQ. Do not use the default password guest.No
--amqp-virtualhostThe virtual host for connecting to RabbitMQ. The default is /.No
--amqp-sslIndicates whether to connect to RabbitMQ. The default is false. See RabbitMQ for information about setting up SSL for RabbitMQ.No
--consumers-wait-for-messagesShould consumers wait for a message from the queue? 1 - Yes, 0 - NoNo

Lock configuration options:

--lock-providerLock provider name.
Available lock providers: db, zookeeper, file.
The default lock provider: db
--lock-db-prefixThe specific db prefix to avoid lock conflicts when using db lock provider.
The default value: NULL
--lock-zookeeper-hostHost and port to connect to Zookeeper cluster when you use zookeeper lock provider.
For example:
Yes, if you set --lock-provider=zookeeper
--lock-zookeeper-pathThe path where Zookeeper will save locks.
The default path is: /magento/locks
--lock-file-pathThe path where file locks will be saved.Yes, if you set --lock-provider=file

Consumers configuration options:

--consumers-wait-for-messagesDetermines if consumers will wait for a message from the queue.1 - Yes, 0 - NoNo
  • 0: Consumers process available messages in the queue, close the TCP connection, and terminate. Consumers do not wait for additional messages to enter the queue, even if the number of processed messages is less than the --max_messages value specified during starting consumers.

  • 1: Consumers continue to process messages from the message queue until reaching the maximum number of messages (the value specified for --max_messages on the queue:consumers:start command) before closing the TCP connection and terminating the consumer process. If the queue empties before reaching --max_messages the consumer waits for more messages to arrive. If you use workers to run consumers instead of using a cron job, set this variable to 1.

The --consumers-wait-for-messages option is a global option and cannot be configured separately for each consumer.

To enable or disable modules after installing Magento, see Enable and disable modules.

What is sensitive data?

Magento uses your encryption key to encrypt the following:

  • Credit card information
  • Usernames and passwords specified in the Admin configuration (for example, logins to payment gateways)
  • CAPTCHA values sent over the network

Magento does not encrypt:

  • Administrative and customer usernames and passwords (these passwords are hashed)
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Other types of personally identifiable information except for credit card numbers

Sample localhost installations

The following examples show the commands to complete install Adobe Commerce locally with various options.

Example 1—Basic installation with admin user account

The following example installs Magento with the following options:

  • The Magento software is installed in the magento2 directory relative to the web server docroot on localhost and the path to the Admin is admin; therefore:

    Your storefront URL is

  • The database server is on the same host as the web server.

    The database name is magento, and the username and password are both magento

  • Uses server rewrites

  • The Magento administrator has the following properties:

    • First and last name are Magento User
    • Username is admin and the password is admin123
    • E-mail address is
  • Default language is en_US (U.S. English)
  • Default currency is U.S. dollars
  • Default time zone is U.S. Central (America/Chicago)
  • Elasticsearch 7 is installed on and connects on port 9200

Messages similar to the following display to indicate a successful installation:

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Example 2— Basic install without admin user account

You have the option to install Magento without creating the Magento administrator user as shown in the following example.

Messages like the following display if the installation is successful:

After installation you can create an admin user using the admin:user:create command:Create or edit an administrator

Example 3—Install with additional options

The following example installs Magento with the following options:

  • The Magento software is installed in the magento2 directory relative to the web server docroot on localhost and the path to the Admin is admin; therefore:

    Your storefront URL is

  • The database server is on the same host as the web server.

    The database name is magento, and the username and password are both magento

  • The Magento administrator has the following properties:

    • First and last name are Magento User
    • Username is admin and the password is admin123
    • E-mail address is
  • Default language is en_US (U.S. English)
  • Default currency is U.S. dollars
  • Default time zone is U.S. Central (America/Chicago)
  • The installer first cleans up the database before installing the tables and schema
  • You use a sales order increment prefix ORD$ and because it contains a special character ($), the value must be enclosed in double quotes
  • Session data is saved in the database
  • Uses server rewrites
  • Elasticsearch 7 is installed on and connects on port 9200

You must enter the command either on a single line or, as in the preceding example, with a character at the end of each line.

Messages like the following display if the installation is successful:

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Related topics

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  • If you have one user account to access the Magento server, see Optionally set a umask.

    This type of setup is typical for shared hosting.

  • Verify the installation.